The Ovaries
The ovaries are two small, oval-shaped organs on either side of the uterus in the female reproductive system. They play a crucial role in producing eggs (oocytes) and hormones.
Egg Production (Oogenesis): Ovaries produce and release eggs (oocytes) through a process called oogenesis.
Hormone Production: Ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone, which regulate the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and lactation.
Storage: Ovaries store eggs, which mature and are released at ovulation.
Cortex: Outer layer where eggs develop and mature.
Medulla: Inner layer containing blood vessels and nerves.
Follicles: Fluid-filled sacs containing eggs in various stages of development.
Ovarian Cysts: Fluid-filled sacs that can develop on the ovaries.
Interesting Facts
- Ovaries contain around 1-2 million eggs at birth, but only 300-500 are released during a woman’s lifetime!
- Ovaries are about the size of almonds!
- The ovaries produce hormones that influence mood, energy, and libido.
- Ovarian function declines with age, leading to menopause.